only recently a friend introduced me to poetry, both reading and writing it. now I know I can only think in poetry phrases (is that a word?) and express them when I'm strongly emotional (angry, sad, happy). otherwise I'd pick up the phone and have a chat with a friend. or go to the market. or the park. so far a new favourite is Wendy Cope (not very radical, but het work gets me in a more hopeful mood. sometimes). be well!

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Wendy Cope is good.

I know what you mean about strong emotions, and that most of the time emotions aren't strong enough to do a poem or revolution or whatever. Maybe that's the problem. Not enough people experience enough strong emotions to say 'what the fuck?!' and enact a revolution. Most people have only had 'nice' lives and 'nice' upbringings'. And most people only want 'nice' lives. Which is understandable.

Or maybe I've experienced too strong emotions and should just...

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go for it! not many are able to translate their emotions into something palatable for others, for a gazillion reasons I guess. as long there's a trigger people can and will communicate, but it's not easy to find wheren that switch sits.

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Thanks for sticking with me, Mary-Lou. It means a lot.

I think I shall post more of my poetry. I have several collections where that came from...

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Your poems are very cool indeed, and I feel the emotion through the intro! Let it out, I say!!

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Yay! I shall - I have more like that...

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You might like this series of fragments, starting here: https://inadifferentplace.substack.com/p/lifer?r=2s9hod

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Thanks, I'll check it out

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I feel you, Evie. It gets tough sometimes, but, you know, the storm shall pass.

This one is from 1978, and things didn't change a bit.


Harry made a bareback rider proud and free upon a horse

And a fine coal miner, for the NCB that was

A fallen angel, Jesus on the cross

A skating ballerina, you should have seen her do the skater's waltz


Some people have got to paint and draw

Harry had to work in clay and stone

Like the waves coming to the shore

It was in his blood and in his bones


He was ignored by all the trendy boys in London, yes and in Leeds

He might as well have been making toys or strings of beads

He couldn't be

No, he couldn't be

In the gallery

And then you get an artist says he doesn't want to paint at all

Just takes an empty canvas, sticks it on a wall

Birds of a feather, all the phonies and all of the fakes


While the dealers, they get together

And they decide who gets the breaks

And who's going to be

Who's going to be

In the gallery

In the gallery


No lies, he wouldn't compromise

No junk, no string

And all the lies we subsidize

They just don't mean a thing


I've got to say he passed away in obscurity

And now all the vultures, they're coming down from the tree

He's going to be

He's going to be

In the galle-, galle-, galle-, gallery

In the gallery


Harry made a bareback rider

Made a bareback rider


By Mark Knopfler, Dire Straits

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Well... This explains a lot! Motion was on one of the poetry books I had to read a university and wow... Boring.

Your poetry reminds me of all those who wrote it between 1800 and 1970. I'm reminded of Plath, to be honest. I found her poetry angry but cleansing at the same time... If that makes sense.

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You have my complete sympathy re having to study Motion! (slang word for a poo too - I could’ve/should’ve made something out of that; combine it with from where his stuff comes out of).

Your being reminded of Plath is quite possibly one of the best and most wonderful comments I could’ve hoped for! I am totally grateful and totally flattered! Thank you!

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Thank you! I've been getting a lot of encouragement about this so I think I shall make a habit out of my poetry again.

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I just posted some more. I think you will like them. Your own is astounding, Gloria. I just read three of yours and you made me cry. I'm a cat lover too, so that kind of explains it. You are a better poet than I am because I am a self-absorbed kind of poet. You can do more than that. So that means you are better. imho.

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Thank you, Evelyn. I am looking forward to reading all your work.

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You invoked Sedna, so of course it's a delighted 'yes, give me more' from me.

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Yeah - I noticed you invoked her too of course, so that probably twitched something. In a positive way, naturally.

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