I read somewhere that women use chocolate as a substitute for love, so I can see why palm oil might be a problem. Definitely a mood killer.

According to Wikipedia "The oil is used in food manufacturing, in beauty products, and as biofuel." Aha! "beauty products." Probably used in explosives as well, so more reason to avoid it.

That was a harrowing experience to say the least, and while it's a bit late, here's a couple of songs about chocolate that will hopefully cheer you up and maybe even help you find love!



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[K] You are quite right about chocolate (choclit/chicklit?) being a love-substitute, what with all those scrummy endorphins. Maybe this is why the monsters taint it with palm oil. It's the kind of thing they do.

Thanks for those links. I really like the Perfume track. Not too keen on the DLB one tho - dub isn't really my thing, altho it's definitely got a great sarcastic/satirical feel to it, and the lyrics I do approve.

My own stuff sometimes veers into the satirical and I'm working on some tunes like that at the moment. Hmm, maybe if you could imagine TATU doing that Perfume track with some heavier guitar work over the top then you're getting there...

You mentioned Perfume in one of your other comments of course, so that's a nice little connect there. It won't be long, I'm sure, before the suggestion is made that I'm a little caterpillar girl... [especially after Evelyn edited my post about my MPD diagnosis - I think she thinks it's a spoiler too far].

Those songs did cheer me up tho! And an extra special thank you for being THE VERY FIRST PERSON to comment on my Substack!!!

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