I’ll just tell you what DEXOS is before I launch into my ramble. Otherwise you’ll get frustrated.
DEXOS is an acronym for the Department for Exo-Studies, which is an interdisciplinary faculty at my beloved Cambridge University. Obviously not in this world, in my world.
I’m particularly fond and proud of it, to put it in the mildest possible terms, because it was yours truly who first thought of the idea and who provided the initial funding. That was back in 1995. Its founding mission, if you can call it that, was to provide a place where new ideas could be explored without the kind of scoffing and negativity that seems to have become somewhat de rigueur in your world, in which anything, any idea which challenges your Cult of Scientism (and I am not unjustified in calling it a cult) is immediately, viciously, and relentlessly attacked.
The reason, it has become clear to me now, and especially with my own advanced knowledge (from my own world, as you will see), is that the globalist cabal in your world have a perpetual need to withhold information and truth from the general population. So yeah, what I’m about to tell you about DEXOS does, in fact, venture quite some way into your ‘conspiracy theory’ realm.
Indeed, this is also one of the reasons why I have already received the conspiracy theorist label, on the one paw, and on the other, more psychologically oriented paw, the ‘delusional fantasist’ label. Well, in a dystopia, why not be a fantasist? Why not indulge in escapist fantasy? Isn’t it better than the oppressive reality?
Sure it is. So, then, you are really under no obligation to believe the slightest word of what I am about to tell you – or anything I say, for that matter. If you wish to dismiss everything I say, I really don’t mind. In fact, the fewer of you who take me in any way seriously then the safer shall I be. What scares the cabal most of all is not people like me telling the truth so much as people actually listening and believing it, because if a critical mass of such belief is ever reached then that mass will fundamentally act on that knowledge and, well, that will be that for the globalist cabal.
Such was how it happened in our world, as I have intimated. And yes, I did have a paw in that. I’d understood that principle from quite an early age, you see, I understood how human nature would react to the exposure of the cabal – necessary self-defence – and so my simple plan, if I can call it a plan, was to carry out that exposure and make it as public as possible. Although, I should add, not before I had turned myself into something of a national treasure and made the people love me. If they didn’t love me, after all, they wouldn’t listen, let alone take me seriously. Plus, it afforded me a measure of protection seeing as if the cabal decided to eliminate me then they’d have to face a public backlash which could’ve turned into a genuine revolution (in your world, this wouldn’t happen – you might go on a protest about it, sign a petition perhaps, but then obediently return to whatever you were doing before). This, naturally, explains why the Establishment spent a significant degree of energy in trying to discredit me. But every time they got their lackeys in the media to have a go at me (especially in the tabloids), that only entrenched the people’s support for me. [Like when I got put on trial for violating the Official Secrets Act on no fewer than 12 charges, pretty much everyone in the country wanted me to be found not guilty. Now there’s a classified story for another occasion.]
I’m digressing. I apologise. But I’m kind of digressing because some people have noticed glaring gaps in my account of my homeworld. That’s to say there are what a screenwriter might call ‘continuity errors’. Unfortunately this is mostly classified, and my case officer is somewhat concerned about that kind of stuff. I can understand that, sure, but at the same time I can’t have people saying stuff like ‘ok, I can possibly accept what you say about Britain going all Liberal Socialist and initiating a domino effect in Europe, but what about America, and the CIA and all that? Surely they’d try and stop it, using any means necessary?’ Well, yes, they would. And they did. But they lost. But – yes – I have been meaning to write you an article about parallel world America – given the measure of control they have over geopolitics, how that control came to an end is obviously a vital aspect of my narrative, so to speak. It is relevant to DEXOS, however, because as I’ve suggested, the fall of the American Empire was almost entirely down to exposing the American Deep State for all the world to see, along with the mainstream lies about, ahem, certain American ‘achievements’.
So then, anyway, DEXOS. By interdisciplinary I mean interdisciplinary. We had academics of all sorts ranging from theoretical physicists to astronomers to philosophers and biologists and psychologists and historians and computer science people and yeah, well, all sorts. We also founded some new disciplines – the most obvious being ones familiar to speculative fiction fans like ‘psychohistory’, ‘exopsychology’, ‘exobiology’ and such. The ‘exo’ bit in exo-studies, after all, simply refers, somewhat loosely, to ‘anything outside this planet’s atmosphere’. This was enhanced in no small degree by the announced discovery that year of an exoplanet – that’s to say a planet orbiting a star other than our own. Until then such things had been, yeah, well, speculative. So that confirmation was excellent timing, from a shameless promo point of view.
And given that I am fully on board with the idea of not being alone in our little galactic sector, the ultimate intention of DEXOS was that, following ‘contact’, it would one day become our own ‘Institute for Exo-Affairs’, dealing with diplomacy and cultural exchanges and such like. Not ‘Exopolitics’ – I should add – that, you should be aware, is yet another psyop/cover story.
So, we wanted the unorthodox and part of our motto was not dismissing any idea just because the mainstream didn’t like it. Once the ‘new physics’ started up we even indulged a few of those ‘flat earthers’ – believe it or not (they’re actually more like ‘stationary earthers’ to be more accurate). They did of course accuse DEXOS of only allowing them a platform so they could be shot down again but that was, from the DEXOS point of view, quite necessary, seeing as they were themselves a cabal psyop, designed to discredit the new physics by association. They did, after all, agree with the contentions that stuff like relativity and quantum theory was in large part deceitful, misdirecting bunkum, and that something like the ‘aether’ really did exist (it’s actually just the charge field (which balances gravity) – your ‘scientists’ call it ‘dark energy’ or ‘dark matter’ – which I find terribly amusing and sad) – but they then tried to make out like that means this planet is stationary. Like, yeah, the universe really does revolve around you idiots! The entire universe, indeed! – at one entire revolution in a single day! Well, suffice to say that psyop didn’t last long, and neither did they. I call their accusation of conspiracy against them ironic because it was, indeed, a conspiracy – our conspiracy designed to expose their conspiracy.
Suffice to say, it worked.
And more followed – there are indeed other silly theories out there designed to make ‘people who question’ look stupid. And, naturally, to misdirect and entrap the curious who are just starting out on their journey of discovery.
See, this element of the conspiracy theory field is often overlooked, and somewhat more important than most people realise. It’s not all false flags and election-rigging and stuff, you know. This is, in part, because the cabal got their gambit in there first. Before, even, anyone knew there might even be a conspiracy. The intention in question was to simply deny the public any knowledge of what should have been the burgeoning science of the twentieth century. Sure, the Germans were able to make significant leaps forward during the ‘Nazi’ period, but we know what happened to them. Those scientific developments have, in your world at least, largely been forgotten because of the generally held view of that period of history. If, however, you know your X-files, and you’ve heard of operations Overcast and Paperclip, and you’re aware of the ‘UFO’ cover story and you’ve heard of a place called Area 51, where the German experiments in electrogravitics continued, then you’re getting warm.
I’ll simply say that for us, that kind of research is no longer secret. It means everyone gets to benefit from it and we also get to draw on a much, much larger pool of intellectual talent who would love the chance to be a part of that research.
Because I’d always been totally fascinated by futuristic science and technology (partly because of my dad, I should add – he made computers and other electronic gizmos and talked about what would become the Internet whilst I and my brother were still children – plus he introduced us to something called ‘science fiction’), and I’d always been suspicious of things like ‘relativity’ and ‘quantum theory’, and my grandfather for one dismissed the televised moon landings with a customary ‘pish’ and energetic swish of the wrist, and then when I entered my adolescence I started being interested in espionage, a lot of these things sort of came into focus for me, and I began to put two and two together and made Pi. I knew what the Americans were like, the fact that they were evil liars, habitually, and I was aware there was a cabal who sought only totalitarian control. So it figures, doesn’t it, that they would deny technological improvements to humanity. Those technological improvements, after all, would be liberating for the species. Nuclear fission, for example, should have given everyone not just cheap, but free and clean energy. That’s called national self-sufficiency and independence and prosperity and it irrevocably prevents any notion of globalist control or colonialism.
So of course they had to stop it.
Likewise, space exploration. They don’t want people looking up to the stars, actively thinking about a better future, they want people crawling in the gutter, where social control becomes so much easier.
Same for medical science. Of course they don’t want a healthy population, for the same reason. Aside from anything else, there’s no profit to be made from healthy people. In mental health, too – you should’ve have had a revolution in psychology and neuroscience by now. That’s one of the most important aspects of all, by the way – an enlightened, self-understanding, individuated population simply cannot be deceived – and therefore they cannot be controlled. Think about it.
In fact, virtually everywhere you look you will see the cabal denying you the wonders and the benefits of science and technology. And believe me, that’s deliberate.
But it can’t last forever, and they have been exceptionally short-sighted. One lie, like their ‘Viking Mars lander’, forces further lies in the future. Oh yes, readers dearest, it’s not just the moon landings they faked, there’s a heck of a lot more where that came from.
And I had a hunch that something like DEXOS could blow their lies wide open. And once the people know they’ve been lied to, they will not get fooled again. It utterly destroys that myth of American ‘exceptionalism’ – and believe me, the American people are nothing if not proud and nationalistic, and they really, really don’t like being taken for a ride. Show them they can’t trust their government, or their ‘deep state’, and they will never unlearn that. Rather, without that support, their government, and therefore their entire foreign policy, which continues to blight your world, can no longer function.
And that’s the point when the rest of the world liberates itself.
Why is my case officer allowing me to tell you about all this? Because you don’t believe a word of it. I’m just a silly conspiracy theorist delusional fantasist girl who thinks she’s from a parallel world, remember – you’re never going to take anything I say seriously. So, no danger, as far as the cabal are concerned. Their total social control continues to be assured.
In which case, rave on, Katrina! Rave on!
So, you want to know what I mean by ‘new physics’, don’t you? Well, far be it from me to disappoint. Some of it does exist in your public domain, as it happens. Except it’s couched in conspiracy theory. This is why I recommended Miles Mathis’ website. Although what I really wanted you to look at was the science stuff (here’s the link). With regards to his conspiracy theory writings – essentially he appears to be of the opinion that pretty much everything is a ‘fake’ event (a lot of these events didn’t happen in our world because they’re since 9-11, I should add – so I’m not even going to comment on them), and that he is being thwarted by a ‘committee from Langley’ (Langley being the home of the CIA). Well, I wouldn’t be surprised if there really was a committee at Langley fucking with him, and having a good laugh about it too. By doing that, after all, they are somewhat discrediting his science by association, which is the most important thing for them. I can well understand why he may well be angry and bitter and so on, because his science should have been mainstream by now, as it is in our world (he sent some papers to DEXOS, they were published, he was invited over to become a member of the faculty, work alongside the best minds in the field, and the rest is scientific history). Instead, in this world he has to endure the emotional agony of watching scientism destroy any last vestige of public understanding of science. There are, of course, gaps in his knowledge (neuroscience being one), and as a historian I would strongly advise him to alter his historiography and only use primary source documents. But he wouldn’t listen to me, so I’ll not even bother. He also seems to have fallen for this nasty anti-transgender psyop, which either shows that most ‘conspiracy theorists’ really are latent patriarchal fascists with no understanding of neuroscience or brain development, or most of them are shills. Either way, it does them no favours – again, it discredits them and everything else they say by association with a right-wing conspiracy theory. It makes them look like nasty bigots, in other words. Needless to say my world doesn’t have a ‘trans issue’ – why? - because neuroscience and brain development are on the education curriculum, that’s why, and we don’t have anything like the same problem with shills and manufactured psyops.
There is another, more curious possibility about Mathis, though, which is that he was given the proverbial ‘offer you can’t refuse’, whereby today he really is working in one of the cabal’s secret research institutes, and it really is a committee generating his absurd fake events narrative. That narrative, it strikes me, is about provoking a kind of ‘learned helplessness’ in which people simply can’t trust any information whatsoever, especially when it comes to history. This means they are utterly dependent on the cabal to tell them what to believe. And no independent research can ever take place because you can no longer trust any of the source material. And that’s actually quite a frightening thought for a historian such as myself. It’s certainly classic 1984, that’s for sure.
We do have conspiracy theories though – I promise you an article about that soon enough. I’m sure you’ll find the idea of parallel world conspiracy theories fascinating. Especially given I keep saying how utopian my world is. Like, ‘isn’t that a paradox, Katrina?’ you will say. ‘How can you have conspiracy theories in a utopia? Surely a utopia precludes conspiracies?’. Well, that’s what you’ll have to wait and find out. Let’s just say there’s no pleasing some people, eh? Besides, having eliminated the wannabe 1984-style totalitarians (boot stomping on yer face, you know), a growing number of folks think they are surreptitiously being led into a Brave New World-type of future, in which they will have zero political power, but they’ll be happy. Hello World Economic Forum – my name’s Katrina. I’m so glad you’ve asked me to speak at your Davos-fest today…
I did, actually, believe it or not, eventually give in to their incessant pestering and accept their invitation to attend Davos. Aside from anything else, I do like skiing. [Every spy needs to know how to ski, obviously.]
But enough of that. Back to DEXOS. One of the more mundane reasons for establishing the Institute (and why I’m including this in my Liberal Socialism section) is because the Liberal Socialist Manifesto envisaged massive spending on space exploration, originally to the tune of some 50 billion a year (how do we afford it? Publicly-owned currency creation, that’s how – more on the Bank of Britannia later). Half of this would be mostly interplanetary probes (starting with Venus – I love Venus), with the other half ditching the dead-end of microgravity and initiating a medium-to-long-term research and development plan for human space exploration using artificial gravity generated by centrifugal force – that’s rotating space stations to you and me – as envisioned by the likes of Tsiolkovsky and, later, von Braun. Given that the Lizzies didn’t get into government until 2003, and the original manifesto was 1991, there was an unfortunate 12-year delay in all this. But – we got there in the end. So take it from me, I know a lot more about Venus and Mars than you do. And if the cabal were honest (which they won’t be), they know too.
Likewise, they know what kind of propulsion systems we use. And how we also use Caesium to drive our energy supply. And that ‘anthropogenic global warming’ is bollocks. And what the planetary system at Alpha Centauri looks like. And, well, a whole load of other stuff they’re not allowing you to know or to have.
So yeah, I must now confess that I withheld a lot of truth when I arrived at the Embassy in Paris. Well, I lied, basically. Why? Because I knew I would be in danger if I told the truth about our world’s technology. I did say we were at least 10-15 years ahead of you, but I knew that’s only ‘ahead of what you, the general public, are aware of’. So I misdirected by talking about ‘fusion power’ (unnecessary if you have fission) and ‘quantum teleportation’ and all that kind of jazz. Space exploration, though, I was happy to talk about. They could just think of me as a fantasist, like I said. And I was happy to indulge that opinion of me. It keeps me safe, you see. I worked out this pragmatic approach somewhat instinctively as soon as I looked around the Gare de l’Est and saw you didn’t have a Maglev terminal, and that the air was dirty and polluted, and everyone was wearing stupid surgeon’s masks. That means you don’t understand science, which means it’s been denied you, which means, in turn, you are still governed by the cabal.
I hope you can understand why I would lie, now.
But now that I’ve been here a while and settled in and all that, and realised that I am no longer much of a threat, I am allowed to rave on. So rave on I shall.
But that’ll have to wait for next time…
Yeah, here it comes. To be continued…
I'm a little lost with Your references to "this world" and "my world" - and other things said suggesting some... Divergence? Can You clarify that for Me?