Katrina's Journal, 03 January 2022, 2/2
Intro, Part II. In which she rants about your pandemic
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[warnings and precautions: Katrina is about to embark on a rant about your covid thing – please don’t hold it against her. Her next entry’s about chocolate.]
To resume…
Although I am very good at making friends, it’s totally understandable for people I meet to be a tad wary of me, what with my parallel world thing and everything. Hence, I have kind of developed a little strategy, which is to say a sort of rehearsed introductory routine.
When Malcolm was first attempting to diagnose me, he quickly hypothesised an initial opinion that my parallel world story was a combination of dissociation and compensatory mechanism. That’s to say an invented, immersive internal fantasy world acting as a compensation for what must have been a seriously abusive childhood, which has been completely blanked out (dissociated from). He got this from asking me about the details of my life in that world. It became apparent to him that this was a world in which I played some kind of heroic part and helped make the world a better place.
I also get this initial sceptical reaction from my new acquaintances, and I’ve come to my own diagnosis about this world. People seem to be unable to conceive of the idea that one person can have such an influence, and perhaps even more worryingly, they can’t imagine what a better world would look like (which is why it behooves me to describe it to you). As a historian (I’ll tell you about that later perhaps – I have a Master’s Degree in Medieval History) this clearly betrays an underlying structuralist view of the world. I would imagine this has been somehow bombarded into them at school. Turns out I’m fairly correct in that assumption, from enquiring about what people are told in history classes. I myself, I should state, am a devoted anti-structuralist. Besides, it was never yours truly alone who made our world a better place. It was a group of us. But ultimately, it was about inspiring a generation to do it themselves, as well as a certain exposure and consequent ostracism of evil.
Yes, I will tell you more about all that later.
My rehearsed introductory spiel, then, deserves repetition here. By now, of course, Malcolm’s diagnosis has been refined somewhat, especially in the light of, ahem, a few revelatory occurrences during my time in Paris (which I shall regale you with at yet another later date).
The questions people ask me, after all, are easy to predict. This is why I decided from the outset that I shouldn’t lie. As I said, the lies would’ve been found out, and it would not have gone well for me. Especially with all the spooks in the Embassy. You know what they’re like. Well, maybe you don’t, I don’t know.
But I do.
Anyway, all the typical questions on meeting someone for the first time I simply can’t answer by any reference to this world. Like ‘where are you from?’, ‘where did you learn to swim?’, ‘who are your parents?’, ‘where did you go to school?’, ‘what’s your digital ID number, Miss?’. Ok, maybe not that last one – yet. Sometimes I do give vague, general answers in the hope that the other person doesn’t demand further details, but there’s always a point at which something gets asked. Like if I say ‘I only moved back to Cambridge in December,’ then obviously they reply ‘where were you before?’ and I say ‘abroad, latterly in Paris’, they might then say ‘oh, is that because of the pandemic?’.
At this juncture I find myself tempted to veer off into ill-advised variations on that opening gambit. Like ‘pandemic? You genuinely believe there was a fucking pandemic?! Please tell me you didn’t get yourself injected with their fucking bioweapon?’ And words to that effect.
That strikes me as an example of the Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect – in this case, a cruel (excuse the tautology) Tory government which has shown not just a total indifference to the suffering of the common people since 2010 (well, since forever, actually) but actually demonstrated a desire to cull you suddenly appears all concerned about ‘saving lives and stopping a deadly virus from swarming through the population’? Isn’t there a bit of the old cognitive dissonance here? Apparently there’s a UN report about their austerity measures murdering 130,000 British citizens. Were you aware of this? If not why not? And then they delight in seeing you carry out utterly pointless, dumb activities like ‘donning the mask of obedience’ and ‘social distancing’ (all part of the continuing strategy of atomising society, isolating individuals from each other (hmm, dissociation, perhaps?) and all the rest of it that began in earnest with the Bitch of Broadmoor (that’s Milk Snatcher Maggot Scratcher Thatcher to you and me).
I think one crucial psychological giveaway regarding this so-called pandemic is simply the following observation/question: ‘did people in government at any time act as if there was some deadly virus rampaging through the country?’. Given what I hear about these ‘parties at no. 10,’ clearly not.
Either there was a deadly pandemic but the bad guys got given an advance, genuine vaccine (well you would, wouldn’t you, if you were going to unleash a bioweapon on the world?), or there was never a serious contagion (and it’s the ‘vaccine’ that’s the real bioweapon). There’s no other options. And given my excellent knowledge of medical science, my money’s on the latter.
Well, adopting that opening variation is really, really not going to endear me to my new acquaintances.
So scrap that one.
Instead, I may as well just go for the absurd but true version. ‘Living abroad’ is sort of true, from a Kenobian point of view. Sometimes they might say ‘how long were you in Paris?’, to which I reply, truthfully, ‘since 16 November last year’ (or just ‘November’ if I want to keep up with the vague thing). But then, inevitably, they would ask where I was before that.
‘Ah, yeah, well, erm…’ just ain’t gonna cut it.
There is, as it happens, a this-world answer to that question, but that’s where my memories of this world begin. That’s ante-memoriam stuff. And I don’t want to go there just yet. It’s locked away in the memory palace. And for now, that’s where it’s staying.
Still, I have to answer people’s questions at some point.
But I am an elegant digresser, so you’ll just have to wait.
My ironic avoidance of and aversion to masks didn’t go down too well at the Embassy, of course. I didn’t mind asking a gendarme for one at the station (it was either that or get myself arrested within two minutes of arrival! Which wouldn’t have been good for my rep), and fortunately it was one of the anti-pollution ones, for which I was grateful. It also protects you from CCTV facial recognition (equally useful). I did sort of tear off the bloody thing at reception in the Embassy though and caused something of a scene. Maybe my way of getting them to take me seriously. And ensure I got seen by an MI5 liaison officer. [Oh no you don’t, Katrina. What? You’re not allowed to mention Tom. I was going to pseudonymise him! Something jazzy, perhaps. That’s not the point. Shut up. Grrr.] I am, if you think about it, the ultimate clean skin, after all.
These masks are pointless anyway. Well, unless you’re one of the monsters, in which case they are a useful symbol of obedience, and yet another indication of their power to make the masses do dumb pointless stuff. If you’re a normal person then they will not only not protect you against airborne pathogens (the holes aren’t small enough – given they’re designed to protect against larger pollutant particles), and they also happen to be bad for you, both on an individual level (they’re a great incubator for nasty germs, they restrict your oxygen supply, they’re bad for your facial skin and your oral health and they give you bad breath) and on a social level, seeing as most human communication is non-verbal. You must’ve noticed this, I’m sure. Of course that’s part of the point of getting people to wear them – a further atomisation of society, isolating people from each other and destroying social cohesion. Apparently, the monsters didn’t think it would be as easy as it turned out to be to get people to do all these dumb things. From their point of view, it was a very successful social experiment.
[You may also want to know they didn’t bother with masks at all in the Embassy. At least not the public-facing bit, anyhow. Just goes to show they’re perfectly well aware of the truth of everything I’m saying. Make of that what you will.]
Of course it’s even worse for children, both with the masks and the dangerous injections. Children are at precisely zero risk from this coronavirus. In fact, anyone with a healthy immune system has a 100% chance of survival. Then again, after forty years of neoliberalism you have an immune deficient population. AIDS, in other words. No, of course it’s not caused by a harmless passenger-retrovirus like HIV! That’s ridiculous. And I am glad to see the wonderful Celia Farber exists in this world (see my recommendation for her Truth Barrier [Update, a few months’ later: I’ve removed the recommendation – she is not the same person I knew – clearly ‘they’ went all MK on her and have done their work well – but it does go to show how different experiences can put the same original person on a totally different path and express a very different personality – I shall have to write about parallel world twins at some point; I leave what I wrote up there so you can see that I too have a learning process - I’m new to your world, remember]). Even if she hasn’t had the impact she should’ve had – but did in my world, by the way (Fauci is still bustin’ license plates in ADX Florence for mass-murdering 200,000 people with AZT – thought you might want to know). That’s why the monsters could never have gotten away with this scamdemic shit back home.
So please, don’t inflict this evil crap on your children. Research some proper science. Educate yourself.
One of the reasons, I should definitely mention at this point in my defence, for these emotionally charged views on your pandemic stems from what I’ve learned of its effects on innocent people from speaking to members of my sports clubs. And I only discovered the full extent of it today, you understand. So please, cut me a bit of slack there, eh? We have one teenage girl, for example, who was previously about the same level I’m at now, on the cusp of the national team. Now, after having had to get jabbed, she’s barely in the top fifty. Something like 5-10% of the people in my clubs have had to either completely give up their sports or will never get to the same level again. This is the thing they loved most in the world, remember. That’s the personal, human impact of this poison. And I would be very surprised indeed if this isn’t the same at every sports club in the country.
Of course you won’t see this kind of thing with famous sportspeople. Or most celebrities or influential people, and certainly not any members of parliament, or prominent people in the media [or the top brass in the military or anyone in the Intelligence Services]. That tells me that they were given a placebo. I will have to look into this as more information comes along but I am suspecting there was a variety of batches of this injection with varying degrees of harmfulness and, in the worst cases, lethality. Even if you didn’t die, but you suffered harm from something that clearly wasn’t a placebo, then you may well end up with AIDS.
This is all from medical knowledge, by the way (sports science, you know). I find it ironic that I’d be labelled an anti-vaxxer, because the truth is I’m all in favour of proper vaccines which trigger the adaptive immune system, although only for serious diseases, like cancer (yes, we have them in my world – our medical science is at least fifteen years ahead of you, from what I can see). Likewise, as it turns out, following various blood tests, I happen to have an immunity to every coronavirus on this planet, including some that haven’t been unleashed yet. Our version had a ten percent infection fatality rate, remember. But a real vaccine should stimulate the adaptive immune system, not the innate immune system. The latter doesn’t develop immune memory you see. Its only job is to rid the body of toxins, like this spike protein thing. The spike protein is not a living organism, so the adaptive immune system doesn’t recognise it as a foreign pathogen and therefore doesn’t emerge to deal with it and create memory B-cells in the process. That’s science.
And you really have to bear in mind that the people who developed it could not have developed it without understanding all of this. It was deliberate.
Of course it gets worse. What these injections do is train your body’s own cells to produce the toxin. So your immune system attacks the body itself. Internal organs, epithelial cells (the lining of blood vessels), the heart, the reproductive system. It even crosses the blood-brain barrier, causing serious damage. Furthermore, to prevent the body from being able to break down this substance they encased it in a sheath. That’s why it lasts for up to six months. And with repeated doses, your immune system will eventually collapse. And you will have AIDS.
What they have done is beyond vile and nasty. It’s evil.
Please don’t take all this personally, like I have done. It is always hard to accept when you’ve been scammed. But I’m just the messenger. So don’t hate me. I didn’t do this to you. But I would implore you not to take these injections. Aside from anything else, you don’t need them. This coronavirus will not hurt you. Try vitamin D instead and a healthy lifestyle. If you can afford it. And if you can, avoid stress.
There, that’s my rant over. I had to get it off my chest. It’s just that seeing the personal and devastating effect it has had on so many of my new friends has made me excessively angry. To the extent of blank spots sometimes.
Still, I mustn’t exceed the limits of my conditions, eh. But if you’re finding me a bit too much here, then please bear in mind that in my world, what you call ‘conspiracy theories’ are simply ‘historical fact’. We also have a proud tradition of investigative journalism (of which I was once a part). In Britannia at least, pretty much since 2003, when the Liberal Socialist Party finally got into government, the so-called Establishment have had no control over the mainstream media, and therefore no capacity to psychologically manufacture public opinion with misinformation, disinformation and outright lies and propaganda. Liberal Socialism is as much counter-subversion as it is benevolent social decision-making.
I must write extensively about that sometime.
But yeah, this is another of my emerging suspicions. You would’ve thought, wouldn’t you, that my case officer, and those they represent, would have some objections to me hurling anti-Establishment conspiracy theories about the place. But no, clearly not. They simply don’t care. Which suggests they are supremely confident of having everything under total control when it comes to public opinion. So, they don’t feel threatened or insecure at all about being found out.
Or maybe they mean to make me a honeypot.
This, I find intriguing. I think I’m going to be increasingly fascinated by your world, for sure.
Anyhow, I reckon that’s enough burbling from me for the time being. So, I will now make us all a nice and tasty warming casserole and see you lovely people later.
Please come back, by the way. I won’t be like this all the time.