[If you are reading my Immigration Control collection, this is the second story. The previous story is XF, which you can find at that link]
I found this lovely old photograph of Vivien Leigh in the British Embassy in Paris (early 1950s, I believe), and since this is where our story starts and there is a reference to Katrina looking a bit Hollywood Golden Age (what with her deceptively delicate features, that is), I decided I just couldn’t not show it. Katrina doesn’t really look like Vivien Leigh, by the way – her nose is straighter and her hair is completely different (black and in a more modern style for a start) – but they do share fine, graceful features. So although I wouldn’t want you to have this image associated with her in your head, there is some relevance at least. Besides, as I said, it’s a lovely photograph, so there.
Anyhow, speaking of self-indulgence, and perhaps more importantly being mindful of wanting to give you something to be going on with whilst I sort out the main serial, I hereby present you with D-Zero Meson Oscillation.
This short story (around 22k words - I think that classifies it as a novella) is the first version of the ‘What to do about Katrina’ serial (see Serial-K section). It’s essentially a standalone short story version of Episode I, which is a kind of origin story. Episode I is mainly set in Paris, from her arrival, on 16 November 2021, until she leaves permanently for her new life in Cambridge. In this first version this happens the day after her ‘eighteenth’ birthday on 10 December. In the final (forthcoming) version the episode is extended somewhat, although there is an interlude in Cambridge. Katrina’s Online Journal, then, essentially begins in the new year once she’s sort of settled in.
Please don’t think, however, that reading this version will give you spoilers, in the sense of advance knowledge which would spoil the enjoyment of discovery. It will provide some advance insight, but in fact this kind of privilege gap (knowledge that one character has (in this case, you, the dear reader) but other characters don’t have) may (I hope) actually enhance the experience. In particular because there are quite a few twists in the final version compared to this original.
Likewise, reading this story means her journal makes more sense, as it provides at least a little, if alternative version, background. So it’s a sort-of preparation/lead-in thing/whatever (I hope – again).
This one also serves as an introduction to some of the characters, albeit a little differently. Their basic nature and background are similar, but they react differently. This was, as it happens, what led me to rewrite, or rather, rethink the whole thing. Basically it’s not especially realistic. In the sense that if Katrina really did show up at the British Embassy in Paris and start talking about classified stuff then the spooks in that place would have a completely different reaction. For a start they’d want to put her in a rather more secure safehouse and almost certainly go all enhanced interrogation on her (Katrina is mindful of this in the final version, by the way – so she doesn’t waltz in spouting classified stuff, and is a little reticent about divulging information about her own world, let alone anything classified).
So this first version, then, is, as much as anything else, a self-indulgent exercise in postmodernism, replete with a whole lot of pop culture references and some offbeat humour. In that sense, I’m hoping you don’t take it too seriously. It’s mainly a bit of fun, to be honest.
To end with a note on the second version, ‘What to do about Catriona’, this is where I move towards a more realistic version in terms of how people would react to her, combined with a more psychological origin story. It’s also standalone, although it extends a bit further in time, and it’s got Sarah Bishop as the secondary lead character (she’s an off-screen persona in this first version). This version, 2.0 let’s call it, would probably end up being the length of a self-contained novel, so it would be well worth me writing out at some point (especially if there’s sufficient interest - I’ll serialise it here too probably). The final version (the serial, let’s call it 3.0) is recognisably a development of the second, which is only superficially related to this first version (which is actually version 1.3 - the difference for 1.1 and 1.2 are in the twist/explanation, which I’ll shut up about before I go all spoilery on you).
For those interested (me being hopeful again) Katrina’s first appearance is in a story called ‘The End of Space Station Sixteen’ which can be found in my first collection of short stories, Rejected Messages. Reading that one first will also provide an enjoyable privilege gap, leading to an answer to an unfulfilled question (I think they call it a McGuffin) from that story. Those of you lovely things who decide to go paid (once I’ve set it up) will, remember, get a free copy of that book. To be honest I’m also intrigued about what it would be like to read that story after this present one, rather than before. Alas, I shall never know. Equally so, I’m the unlucky one here with the main serial because I already know what’s going to happen! Oh well.
Actually (afterthought) I think I will publish this story too. Partly as an enticement for Rejected Messages, and partly to add to the Katrina collection. If you want don’t want to know the answer to that unfulfilled question by reading DZ, then read SS16 first.
I should also add that this story, D-Zero Meson Oscillation, appears in my forthcoming second collection of speculative fiction short stories, ‘Immigration Control’, which – if I continue to be hopeful – may well be out there before the end of this dark month.
Anyhow, that’s enough rambling from me. I shall endeavour to publish this thing in instalments of around 2k words every 2-3 days. So that should keep us going until I sort my shit out.